Ready to help a new mama go BIGGER in supporting their toddler's movement, language and play?
(*but not actually do more*)
Introducing... Walky Talky Toddler: The Membership
It's a complete online membership program that helps them support their toddler's communication, play and movement skills beyond first steps and first words.
From first words and steps to kindy readiness, we've got 'em covered, baby!
As health professionals we want to help your special friend feel confident using play and connection to support their toddler's skills.
AND we're bringing their new BFFs along to this party (because YES, we've also got an online community that can't wait to meet them 🎉)
What they get:
- 3 information packed core modules containing all the information they'll need to support their toddler's communication, gross motor and play skills
- Photos and Videos to help demonstrate our hints, tips and strategies
- The Village - our private online community
- The Library - A super organised collection of all the resources we have found parents love after our 15 years as therapists.
Sign them up now by completing your purchase for their 3 month gift voucher (they can activate at any time).
Enter your own name and email address and the gift voucher will be emailed to you to print or forward on to your friend when you're ready to gift it to them.
The email will include a code your friend can use to activate their membership (and they will enter in all their details them and their toddler!).
PS: THANK YOU, you amazing person, for buying them this thoughtful gift!