Baby Speech Milestones: The First 12 Months
Mar 16, 2022'A baby can't talk... so I don't need to think about their speech milestones in the first 12 months... do I??'
The short answer? Yes, absolutely!
There is SO much that goes on for your baby in their first year.
The milestones that stand out?? Rolling....sitting....crawling....standing.
All the gross motor ones!
As a Paediatric Speech Pathologist I get a bit miffed sometimes that the gross motor skills get so much attention.....because what about all those amazing communication skills too?!
Sure, the gross motor skills are more obvious. Plus if your baby is stuck with them, you'll often know about it because they'll be frustrated. And they are absolutely important.
But so are communication skills in the first year too!
This is when your baby lays down the foundations for saying words, and more importantly being able to communicate with others (which is so much more than saying words!).
Baby's monthly speech milestones until 12 months
From the moment they're born, newborns have a very effective way of communicating with you....crying!
From these early days of crying and little newborn noises, here's what evolves in the world of communication (Information from ASHA - American Speech Language Hearing association):
- smiling
- cooing
- eye contact
- laughing
- babble (going from short 1 syllable combinations 'bah' to long strings of sounds 'babababa')
- Looks when you point
- Pay attention to an object with another person (joint attention)
- Responds to their name
- Uses sounds and gestures to get and keep attention
- Gestures (like pointing, waving, shaking head)
- Understands words for common items
- Understands simple words and phrases (e.g. 'come here')
- Imitate actions
- Imitate speech sounds
- Imitate words
- First words!
Phewph! That is a lot!!
The importance of talking to your baby
Communicating with babies is the foundation of attachment.
By responding to a baby's signals and 'taking turns' in communication with them from birth onwards, babies develop a secure attachment to their carer.
So from the moment they're born, take that time to notice how they're communicating with you and respond to those communication attempts. By responding to your baby's cries, sounds, smiles etc, you are teaching them about communication. They 'talk' to you and you respond - this back and forth interaction can go on and on and evolve as their communication develops.
By responding to them, you're teaching them the power of communication.
The days go so do I fit in 'conversations' with my baby?
It doesn't have to be a 'to-do' on your list. Look for natural opportunities throughout your day to connect and engage with your baby.
Watch what they are interested in and talk about it to them.
Join in their play.
Sing together, read together....or simply have a chat when changing their nappy!
Ok, you've got me interested....teach me more about my baby's communication and speech milestones!
Keen to know more about your baby's communication development, nurture these skills and possibly prevent the need for speech therapy later in life?
We can help! 🙋♀️
If you want to have access to tons of simple tips to notice, support and nuture your baby's communication skills in their first year of life, plus access to a Paediatric Speech Pathologist to ask specific questions about your baby any time, come join the Walky Talky Baby Membership!
You don't need to be worried about your baby's language to get benefits out of this membership. The tips are there to empower you with the knowledge on how to support your baby's communication development (and gross motor too!). You can't predict if your baby will have trouble talking but what we can do is get in early with the right strategies to give them the best chance possible. Lay the foundations early for some strong language skills in their second year of life!
Want all the strategies for supporting your baby's communication skills (and of course, those ever popular gross motor skills too!)? Join now to get the tips!