Tummy Time... an opportunity for connection NOT an item on your to do list!

motor development new parents newborn tummy time May 26, 2021
 Let's talk Tummy Time (AGAIN Ali really?!?😂) Sorry team I can't help it! It's still the play opportunity that I love most!

I'm outraged! (not really, but I did roll my eyes 😂🙄)
I recently read something online that I have seen many times before. It basically said health professionals should back off putting pressure on new parents to do tummy time because they already have enough on their plate.

YES new parents have SOOOO much to think about BUT I do have a few problems with this kind of information!!!

1. Tummy Time is not something you DO TO your baby, it is just a way of carrying, supporting and playing WITH them. There shouldn't be any pressure associated with it, I think if you look closely you'll find you are actually already doing it, do you lie back after a feed and chat to your baby as they lie on your chest? That's newborn tummy time!

2. Introducing tummy time play early and most importantly GENTLY means your baby will enjoy it. In my 13 years of treating babies stuck with motor skills I have never seen a baby who loved tummy time but then go on to get stuck with mobility skills like creeping and crawling unless there was another cause. It's one of those things where a few minutes early can make a big difference later.

3. Tummy time has been so well substantiated in the literature as a play position that supports baby's development that even the World Health Organisation have guidelines on it! This is pretty big guys! It's known that typical motor development is affected by the culture that a baby is raised in. Traditions around play and caring for babies makes changes to the way their motor skills emerge. However the WHO thinks tummy time is so important they have made a recommendation around it for ALL babies!

"For those not yet mobile, this includes at least 30 minutes in prone position (tummy time) spread throughout the day while awake." 
THIS explains why all the health professionals are banging on about it!
Read more here
Why is tummy time right from the start important?
Newborns rely on their caregivers to position them, move them and help them connect with the world. A LOT of the newborn care tasks and activities involve them lying on their back; nappy change, bath time, sleep, traveling in car or pram.

Variety in movement is helpful for ALL of us, babies included. Spend all day sitting at a desk (or sitting feeding) and you are itching to stretch up and out, rotate and use your muscles in different ways. Your baby spends all day and night on their back and they don't get the opportunity to use and strengthen the muscles in the back of their body.

So what does tummy time actually mean?
It's a play position, a carrying position and an opportunity for PLAY and CONNECTION! For a newborn this will look like face to face time or gazing out together (joint attention) and possibly talking about what you can see. 
YES definitely take the pressure off! Just like brushing your toddler’s teeth (anyone got any tips on this for me?!) tummy time though important can feel VERY difficult some days, so don’t do it that day! Just don’t take it off the radar all together! 
It doesn't have to be on the floor, you can add movement and song and it should be a thoroughly lovely experience for you both. If it isn't? Probably stop, one of you might not be in the head space for it right now! Try again later, keep bursts of tummy time short (even though exercise is fun and feels good on your body even adults will hit a point where they whinge 😂 cue me 10 mins into body attack class 😂😂)
Need some help with tummy time?
We have posted tons of tummy time tips on our walkytalky_baby instagram feed. We also have a GIANT tummy time book with loads of pictures for individual sale and included free in our membership. 
Here are some examples from my house. This is what tummy time looked like for Baby F about 1 month old. She has support to maintain the position, she's up high so she can see, she has her beloved Nanna and Big Sister to look at. She's only there for a couple of minutes and you can see despite (sorry baby F but you were) being a bit of a cranky baby with reflux and CMPI she's pretty happy!

 Ok guys truth time...
Here is where we want to hear from you! This is my experience of tummy time. BUT I was a paediatric physio for 10 years before I was a mum. To me it felt achievable...  how about you?
 Mums we would love to hear from you!

👣 Is tummy time feeling too hard?
👣 Can you not get past the crankiness? 
👣 Does it just not fit in the day?
What are you struggling with? What's working well? 

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❤️ For babies FREE mini course Revitalising your playtime!

❤️ For babies and newborns wanting to get tummy time right from the start our Tummy Time e-book No Tears Tummy Time (included free in our membership)

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❤️ Stuck on Tummy Time? You need our $15 48 page tummy time e book written by Alison, a physiotherapist who has been helping babies with tummy time for 15 years now!

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